Hazmat Incident Commander

Chapter 12

Knowledge Check

1. Once all of the data has been assembled and a rough draft report developed, who should review the entire package to verify that the available facts and events are arranged properly and actually took place?
2. If the incident has legal or criminal implications that would require documentation or evidence, it is critical that _________ procedures be followed.
3. The post-incident analysis is conducted for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
4. How should the incident commander formally transfer command to the post-emergency incident commander to make it clear to all parties involved that the emergency response is being terminated?
5. The purpose of the _________ in the field is to provide accurate information concerning the hazards and risks involved directly to the people who may have been exposed, contaminated, or in some way affected by the response.
6. Which incident management position(s) should assist the incident commander with determining if the scene is safe enough to declare termination?
7. Most major public fire departments participate in some form of reporting system. Which of the following reporting systems sponsored by the U.S. Fire Administration is most commonly used?
8. The _______ is a structured and participatory process of the senior leadership, commanders, and key responding agencies involved in the response.
9. Which of these debriefing subjects should review and describe what personnel may have been exposed to and the signs and symptoms of exposure?
10. Suggested sources to gather factual information for the post-incident analysis include all of the following EXCEPT:
11. The post-incident analysis focuses on six key topics. Which of the six topics focuses on determining if the emergency response was organized according to existing emergency response plans or standard operating procedures?
12. In poor environmental conditions or environments with loud ambient noise, where should the debriefing be conducted?
13. How soon after the incident is terminated should debriefings be accomplished?
14. Contaminated firefighting gear and personal clothing that has been bagged to prevent the spread of contamination so that it can be cleaned or laundered properly upon return to the station is discussed in which debriefing subject area?
15. A formal post-incident analysis is one method for coordinating the release of _________ information to those who have a need to know.
16. Reconstruction of the incident to establish a clear picture of the events that took place during the emergency is referred to as the:
17. During the post-incident analysis, questions asked about adequate equipment use and management would fall under which key topic?
18. Which of the following is NOT included in an effective debriefing?
19. Who is responsible for collecting and maintaining all incident documents until they are delivered to the appropriate investigator or critique leader?
20. “Were the tactical procedures current and did they cover notifications, assessment, response, recovery, and termination adequately?” is a question asked when addressing which key topic of the post-incident analysis?
21. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, any responsible party must report to the ______________ any spill or release of a specified hazardous substance in an amount equal to or greater than the reportable quantity specified by the EPA.
22. During the transfer of command, all of the following should be covered EXCEPT:
23. What process should be used to determine if the incident scene is safe, unsafe, or dangerous before terminating an incident?
24. Which step in the Eight Step Incident Management Process© represents the transition between the termination of the emergency phase and the initiation of clean-up and recovery operations?
25. When obtaining video recordings from the media for the post-incident analysis, they should be obtained within:
26. Which of the following activities are NOT typically performed during the process of incident termination?
27. Which of the following components should be included in the debriefing in order for it to be effective?
28. The debriefing process should be conducted by one individual—the:
29. With whom should the incident commander meet to formally turn over the incident scene prior to termination?
30. Debriefings should not be longer than _______ minutes.