Hazmat Awareness - Operations

Chapter 12

Knowledge Check

1. Prior to any entry of PPB-equipped personnel into hazardous zones, such as those during rescue operations, a decontamination station:
2. Ambulatory victims within the line of sight generally:
3. In an extreme emergency, how should rescuers move a victim with a possible spinal injury?
4. Non-ambulatory victims can be moved using rescue equipment such as:
5. If possible, line-of-sight ambulatory victims should be directed to a safe haven or area of safe refuge __ until a determination is made regarding the need for decontamination.
6. For Operations level responders assigned to individual companies or units, the unit leader's responsibilities include ___, after first establishing the hot zone and assembly area near the entry point.
7. Which question is MOST likely to be asked when determining the feasibility of rescue operations?
8. What is a unique challenge to conducting rescue operations with a large number of victims?
9. What is the BEST method for moving nonambulatory victims?
10. It is always better to have ______ _ when attempting to move an adult.
11. 19. Recovery operations should be coordinated by the Incident Commander along with what other agencies?
12. When planning rescues, the responsibility ofrisk assessment and selecting control options typically belongs to:
13. What is typically the last priority for conducting rescue operations at hazmat incidents?
14. Which of the following types of victims have generally experienced the greatest exposure and related dose?
15. If possible, ambulatory victims who are not in the line of sight should be:
16. What should be accomplished before recovery operations begin?
17. As with all operations at hazmat incidents, the risks identified __ will dictate many elements of the response.
18. What should entry teams turn their attention to after removing the ambulatory victims within the line of sight?
19. 20. What is LEAST likely to be a document or report that responders will need to fill out or assist with completing after rescue/recovery operations?
20. When performing rescue operations at a hazmat incident, responders need to: