Fire Officer 3

Chapter 6

Knowledge Check

1. Upon the activation of the emergency operations center (EOC), chief officers should:
2. When a large-scale emergency incident occurs, representatives from each agency affected in the jurisdiction:
3. One reason that an all-hazards approach to emergency management is important is that:
4. Prevention is a major aspect of mitigation and should emphasize:
5. Emergency services organizations should create relationships with outside agencies before an incident occurs to ensure that:
6. Public works resources typically have the responsibility of:
7. What should be done to help ensure that media sources are sending out correct, timely information?
8. An Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is implemented:
9. What would be an example of a tangible prevention strategy for mitigating risk in a community?
10. A formal joint-response emergency management plan ensures that neighboring jurisdictions:
11. What emergency management phase is a continuous process involving efforts to identify threats and consequences before an emergency?
12. What must be done before resources can be requested for a disaster?
13. Which is a state-level resource that can be quickly deployed to assist in areas such as incident coordination, equipment provision, and supply distribution?
14. Emergency Operations Centers should be staffed to ensure that personnel are available to handle:
15. What should the organization do to ensure that personnel working in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) are familiar with all aspects of operations?
16. What is requested by a governor when a state cannot handle an incident and needs federal assistance?
17. To prepare for disasters, emergency managers should identify:
18. Requests for additional resources should be requested through proper requisition channels and should be:
19. Which resource typically has the priorities of maintaining order and managing evacuation efforts at large-scale incidents?
20. What are the two categories of incidents in emergency management planning?
21. Emergency management activities are broken into four phases that:
22. When personnel are deployed on long-term incidents, organizations should ensure that:
23. A U.S. locality or region that is unable to manage the magnitude of an emergency incident should:
24. An Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) establishes a:
25. Developing plans and strategies using an all-hazard approach ensures that: