Fire Officer 2

Chapter 14

Knowledge Check

1. A company officer investigating a fire scene must be aware that the __ may have been altered or destoyed by the fire.
2. When examining fire patterns, take note of the visible boundaries or borders where fire or products of combustion:
3. When a fire's area of origin is apparent, the Company Officer II is responsible for:
4. Fire patterns provide information on how the fire:
5. The spread of a wildland fire is due to radiant heat from burning materials affecting other:
6. Finding the origin of the fire involves knowledge of:
7. Which piece of information assists in the determination of fire growth and development?
8. Which fire pattern results in almost all vertical and horizontal compartment surfaces showing signs of damage?
9. If tire tracks or footprints are noticed at a scene, the company officer should:
10. A plume-generated fire pattern is the result of the plume of hot gases:
11. Once an item is considered evidence, it is to be secured and its handling and transfer of custody documented until:
12. What information should be obtained and documented anytime the custody of an item changes?
13. What search method makes it possible to use fire indicators to determine the path of fire spread and the area of fire origin?
14. Incident photographs provide a timeline of the fire's progress, the fire's location, and the:
15. If a witness is suspected of a fire-related crime, a company officer should consider having an authorized person deliver __ before initiating the interview.
16. A competent ignition source must have sufficient time to transfer the required heat to the:
17. A fire pattern on a noncombustible surface such as a brick wall may look like:
18. When it is necessary to move evidence from its original position at a secure incident scene, responders should record the:
19. In which stage of a fire investigation does a person's action or omission need be considered as the event that brought together the competent ignition source with the first material ignited?
20. Which fire pattern generally indicates where large objects were positioned before the fire?
21. Which is a basic step used to determine a fire's area of origin?
22. Wind, topography, aspect, and fuel variations affect a wildland fire's:
23. What step should be part of a vehicle fire scene examination?
24. 30. A fire's cause is classified as accidental when it involves a(an):
25. In order to begin the combustion process, a first material must be capable of absorbing and retaining __ from the ignition source.
26. All incident-related evidence including, documents of evidentiary value, and any other items that support the findings of the investigation are also subject to:
27. Company officers may attempt to determine fire origin and spread by observing fire effects and recognizing and interpreting:
28. What can a company officer do during the examination of a vehicle fire to make documentation and comparative analysis easier?
29. Company officers must remember that determining a fire's area of origin is based on:
30. What piece of information may be depicted in a drawing of a fire scene?