Fire Instructor 2

Chapter 14

Knowledge Check

1. When should the availability of instructors and facilities be determined?
2. Supervisors should include justifications for line items in:
3. Instructors benefit from having a supervisor who actively recommends or provides:
4. Level II Instructors should __ the instructors they supervise to show confidence in their skills, judgement, and abilities.
5. What should be included in the justification if any budget line item contains an unusual request or proposes a funding increase?
6. When objectives are met or significant accomplishments are reached, a supervisor should celebrate the accomplishment:
7. Level II Instructors may have to determine additional training requirements rather than rely on:
8. For any course or curriculum, at any level of the organization, the first step a supervisor should follow when creating a schedule is:
9. When creating a schedule, a supervisor must prioritize __ , which involves reserving classroom and training space, props, and apparatus.
10. Objectives and timelines can be communicated between a supervisor and the instructors through group meetings and:
11. A supervisor should create a list of training courses or programs required to provide:
12. Combining training schedule registration details, course prerequisites, and other information __ may be most effective for students registering for courses.
13. A supervisor should always express:
14. Holding group gatherings or parties to encourage unit cohesiveness and spirit is an example of:
15. Governments require __ to provide services.
16. Supervisors who involve instructors in establishing the objectives should find that their instructors have more incentive to fulfill:
17. Larger classes are generally __ , so supervisors should contact other fire and emergency service organizations to see if joint training sessions can be scheduled.
18. What may have specific language that limits the days of the week, times of the day, and high/low temperatures at which scheduled training may take place?
19. One of a supervisor's MOST important roles is to:
20. Which source of funds from governmental and nongovernmental organizations are used to address specific organizational needs?
21. Lack of_____ undermines a supervisor's authority and ability to accomplish organizational goals.
22. Which type of funding source is usually intended to purchase specialized equipment?
23. The supervisor and training staff should review the training schedule periodically to make necessary changes because:
24. Instructor pay, equipment, and course materials are examples of:
25. Typically, instructors submit budget requests to the __ , who then submits a budgetary form to an organization.
26. Supervisors should distribute a draft training schedule with times, topics, names of assigned instructors, and locations to members of the AHJ before:
27. Because training mandates have a tendency to change over time, the supervisor should research the requirements:
28. Most of the time, the funding items that instructors identify are meant to be included as part of the AHJ's:
29. The final step a supervisor should follow when creating a schedule for any course or curriculum, at any level of the organization, is to:
30. Supervising other instructors requires demonstrating effective leadership skills and: