Fire Officer 3

Chapter 3

Knowledge Check

1. Which individuals are allowed to have access to a crew member's health records?
2. If a public record contains both exempt and nonexempt material the:
3. What defines the type of records that are available to the public and media?
4. In which areas are memberships/subscriptions a primary revenue source for fire and emergency services organizations?
5. In which phases of the budget process may a chief officer have to determine the best option to address a funding account that lacks a sufficient balance to last the remainder of the fiscal year?
6. What aspect ofresearch related to purchasing involves identifying whether manufacturers have redesigned equipment?
7. Grant applications are written to obtain funding from:
8. What record type must be kept secure and is generally confidential?
9. In the purchasing process, sealed proposals are opened and ranked according to ability to meet bid specifications and:
10. What can be used to find information needed to help develop specifications during the purchasing process?
11. In the purchasing process, acceptance procedures are conducted after:
12. The primary source of data used to create and support budget justifications is the:
13. The first step to developing a record-keeping system is to:
14. Which record type serves as the basis for planning and to justify record requests?
15. What type of budget includes items such as vehicles and equipment that are expected to last for an extended period of time?
16. The minimum level of staffing is ultimately established by:
17. The benchmark used to compare a fire and emergency service organization's performance would be an organization:
18. What record type can provide information necessary to predict a trend or justify replacement of equipment or apparatus?
19. In the purchasing process, bids are normally required on items:
20. What is the first step in the purchasing process?
21. What would be a feasible option for the chief officer if a needs analysis determines that the organization cannot meet certain needs of the community?
22. Data used to create a community needs analysis includes:
23. When is an organization's record system spot checked for accuracy?
24. What budget system requires all expenditures to be justified at the beginning of each new budget cycle and requires the organization to justify the contribution it makes to the jurisdiction?
25. The decision-making process for capital budgets:
26. Which group is generally on an evaluation committee for purchasing bids?
27. Revision of a record-keeping system may be required if:
28. Only interest income from the principal may be expended in:
29. Replacement cycles for apparatus are decided through consulting:
30. Which entity provides a systems approach to determining appropriate staffing levels?