Hazmat Awareness - Operations

Chapter 13

Knowledge Check

1. Foam cannot seal vapors of:
2. One problem associated with dispersion is that it can:
3. Why should I Cs consult technical sources before using equipment to confine spilled materials?
4. Responders usually use organic-based materials, such as activated charcoal or carbon, as:
5. Provided they have appropriate training, equipment, and PPE, Operations Level responders can take offensive actions, like leak control, in situations involving:
6. During the process of adsorption, the molecules of the liquid hazardous material:
7. Why should responders avoid contact with flammable or combustible products?
8. Diking, damming, diverting, and retention:
9. What may indicate that the pressure within a container is increasing and that container failure may be imminent?
10. At a fixed facility or at a pipeline, responders should NOT shut any valves without direction from:
11. If the products of combustion present fewer hazards than the leaking chemical, the best course of action may be to:
12. To stop or limit the escape or to contain the release of a product either in its original container or by transferring it to a new one is the goal of:
13. At an incident involving a break in an underground pipe, personnel should first evacuate the area immediately around the break and the area:
14. Neutralization and vapor dispersion are:
15. Which process might be used for the temporary mitigation of radioactive and biological substances?
16. A defensive spill-control tactic that confines a hazardous material, rather than changing its physical and/or chemical properties, is:
17. When choosing the type of ventilation to use, remember that:
18. Spill control tactics attempt to:
19. How can water be used in flammable and combustible liquid fire control?
20. The most common cause of a BLEVE is when: